Founder and President of
International Military Antiques Inc.
Father of Alex Cranmer 
"Collecting is a disease and I'm thrilled that I've got it."... "This stuff is not for sale. This stuff goes with me in my coffin." (from Family Guns S01E05)
![Treasure is Where You Find It... The Thirty-Year Quest to Save the Royal Armoury of Nepal [Hardcover] by Christian Cranmer](book.png) Treasure is Where You Find It... The Thirty-Year Quest to Save the Royal Armoury of Nepal by Christian Cranmer. Get the signed collector's edition
from IMA.
Articles & Videos
Vice President of
International Military Antiques Inc.
Son of Christian Cranmer
"I am incredibly lucky
because I have the greatest job in the world."
Articles & Videos
Alex Cranmer, Legit Reel from reels4artists on Vimeo. |