Welcome to the approved fanlisting for French actor, Gérard Depardieu. If you are a fan of this actor, please read the rules and join.

Gérard Depardieu is one of the most popular and prolific International leading men of our time. Comfortable in almost any type of role -- from sexy hunk to classical characters -- he has been in well over a hundred films made across the world. His long list of credits includes such movies as JEAN DE FLORETTE, GREEN CARD, VATEL, LE COMTE DE MONTE CRISTO, THE MAN IN THE IRON MASK, CYRANO DE BERGERAC, CAMILLE CLAUDEL, LES COMPERES, and THE RETURN OF MARTIN GUERRE. To learn more about Mr. Depardieu, visit the links in the Extras section.

This fanlisting was approved on 18-APR-2003 by The Fanlistings Network (in the Actors category) to be its official FL for GD.

What is a Fanlisting? In this case, it's a place for all fans of a particular actor to come together and build the biggest listing of people from all around the world who are his fans.

List last updated: Wed Jul 24 17:53:57 2024