Saul Rubinek

Extras / So Many Miracles


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So Many Miracles - A compelling story of love, determination, and survival by Saul Rubinek

"As a gesture of reconciliation to his parents, alienated when he fell in love with a non-Jewish girl, Rubinek collected his family's life stories on tape - their childhood experiences in Poland, their fugitive existence during the war, their love for one another and their survival." - description from Amazon

I have read SO MANY MIRACLES and highly recommend that you take the time to find a copy and read this true story of a brave couple's "love, determination, and survival." - Clair

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  • Directed by Katherine Smalley & Vic Sarin
  • Co-produced and written by Saul Rubinek

"During the fall of 1942, in the Polish village of Pinczow, as the Germans deported Jews to the gas chambers, the Banya family offered to hide Israel and Frania Rubinek in their one room farmhouse. Despite enormous risk and hardship, Zofia and Ludwig Banya, along with their young son Maniek, sheltered the Rubineks for 28 months. Interweaving docu-drama sequences with archival material, this film follows Israel and Frania Rubinek on their emotional return journey to Poland, and documents their poignant reunion with Zofia Banya, the peasant woman who saved their lives forty years ago. As a co-producer of the film, actor Saul Rubinek accompanies his parents not only to achieve a better understanding of his family's past, but also to come to terms with his own identity."
- description from Amazon.

So Many Miracles DVD
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